Farmer’s Foods is appreciative to be allowed to have our first Casting Contest for the youngsters that came out to Youth Trout Day. Close to 200 kids of all ages, gender, and fishing ability came out with their families to enjoy the opportunity to try their chances at about 1,200 trout stocked by the Virginia Game & Fishing Department. The trout were released into the famous Hawksbill Creek which runs directly through the center of beautiful Luray, Virginia. Trout larger than 3 pounds were caught, and a truly wonder selection of prizes were given away by area business and civic groups.

Our part of the entertainment was rather simple but exceptionally exciting. Greeting anxious youngsters with rods loaded for action; replacing all hooks with a “competition casting cork”; and measuring who could cast the closest to a car tire about 10 yards away can be an eye-opening experience you’ll never forget.

Special thanks should be given to the Greg Richards who initiated the idea with a tremendous amount of continued support from the Page County Sheriffs Department and the Luray Parks & Recreation Department and area citizens. 2009 was the 5th year of the event and had the largest turnout despite the challenging weather that day. We look forward to helping with the event again next year.